In this project user can do the blogging of the technology. In this website people have the security of their of websites no one can edit or delete the blog it can be only deleted by the Admin and the owner of the Account through which the blog is posted. In this people have their own account to post the blog and they can comment like and share other blog on facebook.If anyone have issue then they can contact the Admin through contact us, the blogging team will solve the issue.
In this project user can do the shopping of any items like mobile,washing machine, clothes,Domestic products etc... In this website people have the security of their of websites no one can access the anyone accounts only user can access. By using this people can see the status of the items they have purchased where it is reached by just entering the email and order id.
In this website we can we can keep our photos as a bucket or album and it will fully private no can access your photos.In this user has to sign up first for the security purpose and login to keep their photos in a bucket which will never get destroyed and they take their anytime anywhere without any problems.